Actionable Insights
Dive into your data like never before with Ostana's comprehensive reporting. Find out what your customers love about your business (and what they don't) by exploring loyalty analytics and retention metrics delivered straight to your dashboard in easy-to-understand snapshots. Leverage the latest insights in your reports to sell more, grow faster, and give your shoppers the best customer experience in town.
About feature
What Are Actionable Insights?
Make the Most of Your Data
Ostana’s advanced Dashboarding and Reporting features answer all your burning questions about your business, no matter how big or small. Our comprehensive tools place a treasure trove of data at your fingertips while still being easy to use. Gain a deeper understanding of your customers and your business with access to:
- Loyalty marketing insights
- Performance metrics
- Brand engagement statistics
- Customer analytics, including customer lifecycle marketing
A New Perspective on Partnerships
Get More Out of Your Partnerships
Measure the value of all your partnerships in one convenient hub. Compare active or inactive Offers & Rewards with two or more partners at once to determine which joint marketing campaigns bring in the most success and use that information to optimize both current and future partnerships.
Here’s what Partnership Insights have to offer:
- View complete records of all your current and past partnerships
- Measure the impact of partnerships on sales, customer acquisition, and the performance of marketing campaigns
- Determine who you want to team up with next
Customer/Member Lifecycle Analysis
Help Customers Take the Next Step in Their Journey with Your Business
Keep track of where each of your customers/members currently resides in their journey with your business. Ostana’s unique breakdown of lifecycle stages allows you to easily sort customers/members by their lifecycle stage and determine the actions you can take to help them live where you want them.
Here’s what Customer/Member Lifecycle Analysis has to offer:
- Observe and anticipate customer behavior based on lifecycle stages
- Respond to changes in a customer’s/member’s status with proactive efforts to maintain or encourage engagement
- Increase overall engagement by offering personalized notifications, promotions, or messaging for customers/members in different stages
Points Breakdown
Optimize Your Marketing Strategies Based on How Customers Actually Use Your Points
Learn everything you could ever want to know about your business’s loyalty points! Discover what customers/members spend their points on the most, how they earn their points, the number of points currently in circulation, and more. Then, use your knowledge to create more opportunities to earn and redeem points that will appeal directly to your customers/members.
Here’s what the Points Breakdown has to offer:
- Visualize the distribution of your loyalty points with easy-to-interpret charts and graphs
- Track how different customers/members typically earn and redeem their points
- Formulate better uses for your points based on data from real active members
Review Offers & Rewards
Maximize the Potential of Your Offers & Rewards
Understand the individual performance of all your business’s Offers & Rewards in an instant. Compare the success of multiple promotions to identify top-performers and even revive your customers’ favorite aspects of your past winners.
Here’s how it works:
- Evaluate and compare the results of your Offers & Rewards on an individual and collective level
- Use every promotion as a resource to understand what works for your business and what doesn’t
- Reinvigorate past customer favorites or use them to inspire future promotions
Marketing Intel
Break Down the Performance of Your Marketing Campaigns
Have you ever wanted to find out how most customers discover your business? Ostana’s Campaign Analytics break down the results of your marketing campaigns to help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t so you can lean into the marketing channels that drive your growth and develop more effective campaigns.
Here’s what Marketing Intel has to offer:
- Witness how different customers respond to your campaigns
- Determine the best types of campaigns and marketing channels for your growth
- Make improvements to your campaigns based on results from real customers
Real-Time Insights
Make Decisions on a Dime Based on the Latest Information
Eliminate the wait and gain access to your data as it happens with Ostana’s Real-Time Insights feature. Leverage the most current information about everything from customer behavior to the performance of specific promotions to make the best possible decisions for your business.
Here’s how Real-Time Insights work:
- Receive instant updates about customer behavior, loyalty initiatives, promotion performance, and more
- Notice trends in your business’s data as they happen
- Take proactive action in response to real-time changes
Intelligent Reporting Engine
Stay on Top of Your Data
Ostana’s Reporting feature lets you wrap your data into neat packages that you can then use for everything from improving your marketing tactics to getting to know your audience better. Choose from a variety of reports to grab a quick snapshot of data about customers/members, promotions, transactions, and more.
Here’s what the Reporting Engine has to offer:
- Save time by eliminating the need to compile your data on your own
- Automatically receive various reports, including Transactions Overviews, Specific Offer Reports, New Member Logs, Segmentation Reports, and more
- Elevate your decisions with easy access to more information about your business
World-Class Dashboard
Access Actionable Data in a Flash
Tear down the curtains standing between you and a full view of your data! Ostana’s intuitive Dashboard displays all your most important reports and metrics in one convenient spot. Dig into your data like a pro analyst and start making better business decisions.
Here’s what Ostana’s intuitive Dashboard has to offer:
- Keep track of all your important metrics and reports inside one centralized interface
- Navigate through heaps of data without a hitch thanks to our user-friendly design
- Access visual aids like charts and graphs that break down data and help you easily identify trends
- Use actionable data to fuel decisions about your business, loyalty program, customer experience, and more
Small Business Growth Powered by Data
Access all the data you need to make your best decisions